New Chapter

Created by mark 12 years ago
You left without saying goodbye, it was only after the event, I found out, numbed me to the core, made me cry, the news stifled within me a mournful shout, tears of sadness flooded my view, my breath ached in my chest, my world undone – now what to do, I really don't know for the best, my beloved mother why, why, why, I'm no longer psychedelic just sombre blue, why did you leave without saying goodbye, is that what you really wanted to do, you've been my rock of ages all my life, in dignity you loved me most, even when I caused you strife, about me you loved to boast, held my hand when I've been afraid, kept me warm when I was cold, paid my bills when they needed to be paid, my problems in life you resolved, I'm a ship lost at sea, I drift without a rudder, you were the only one who loved and believed in me, I'm lost without my mother, no words that I express can say how I feel, there's nothing that can be undone, if I wrote a million words, it wouldn't make it less real, my biggest regret..............I've lost my mom love Mark